Thursday, 19 June 2008

Inaccurate Humidity Readings W-8681 Weather Station

2008 06 18 005
Originally uploaded by bn37ej
The photo shows a Watson W-8681 Weather Station and two other humidity meters, after they've been in a fairly air tight room for 48 hours. The W-8681 indicates ~45 RH when the other meters indicate ~60.

The W-8681 is the second I've tried and both seem to under report RH...

This blog is going to be about correcting what I think is a fault and calibrating the humidity readings.


Anonymous said...

I simply rely upon site for buying Weather Stations, Anemometer, Brethlyzers Battery Chargers etc. They provide efficient service and delivery.

sunnybeam said...

Do you already have a solution to this problem? I have the same problem.
Look at my website for my weather station:
